Thursday, August 28, 2014

                In 1972, NASA launched the exploratory space probe Pioneer 10. According to Leon Jaroff in Time, the satellite's primary mission was to reach Jupiter, photograph the planet and its moons, and beam data to Earth about Jupiter's magnetic field, radiation belts and atmosphere. Scientists regarded this as a bold plan, for at that time no earth satellite had ever gone beyond Mars, and they feared the asteroid belt would destroy the satellite before it could reach its target. But Pioneer 10 accomplished its mission and much, much more. Swinging past the giant planet in November of 1973, Jupiter's immense gravity hurled Pioneer 10 at a higher rate of speed toward the edge of the solar system. At one billion miles from the sun, Pioneer 10 passed Saturn. At some two billion miles, it hurled past Uranus; Neptune at nearly three billion miles, and on it went. By 1997, twenty-five years after its launch, Pioneer 10 was more than six billion miles from the sun.
                And despite that immense distance, Pioneer 10 continued to beam back radio signals to scientists on Earth. "Perhaps most remarkable is that those signals come from an 8-watt transmitter, which radiates about as much power as a night light, and takes more than nine hours to reach Earth," writes Jaroff. The little satellite that could was not qualified to do what it did. Engineers designed Pioneer 10 with a useful life of just three years. But it kept going and going. By simple longevity, its tiny 8-watt transmitter radio accomplished more than anyone thought possible.

                So it is when we offer ourselves to serve the Lord. God can and does work through someone with 8-watt abilities and they accomplish far more than they ever thought possible. Let's continue to Advance the Gospel through Ministry and Service and watch what God does through our availaility!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

                A dairy farmer went to buy a new pickup truck. He had seen an ad in the paper about discounts and factory rebates, so he decided to trade in his old clunker. He chose a new model and was ready to write the check for the full amount when the salesman said, "Wait, I haven't given you the final cost yet." The farmer said, "Isn't it the price I saw in the paper?" The salesman said, "No, that's for the basic model, all the options cost extra." So after the options were added, the farmer reluctantly wrote a check and drove off in his new pick-up.
                A few months later the car salesman called the farmer because he needed to buy a cow for his son's 4-H project. The farmer assured the car salesman he had several good milk cows for sale for $500. The salesman drove out and selected a cow and took out his checkbook to pay when the farmer said, "Wait, I haven't given you the final cost yet." Then he handed the salesman a bill that read:
                BASIC COW- $500
                Two-tone exterior- $45; Extra Stomach- $75; Milk storage compartment- $60; Straw recycle compartment- $120; Four handy spigots @ $10 each- $40; Leather upholstery $125; Dual horns- $45; Automatic rear fly swatter- $38; Natural fertilizer attachment- $185
                GRAND TOTAL- $1233
                I don't know for sure but I bet the salesman reluctantly wrote the check and loaded up his 'fully-loaded' cow and went home . My guess is that the farmer had a pretty big smile on his face after the transaction was complete.

                Many Christians are only interested in the basic model of Christian living. They don't want to pay the total cost of fully surrendering to and following Christ. May God find us willing to 'pay the price' as we commit to advancing the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ! 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

                Last week in our church service I shared pieces of our church's statements that guide us as we seek to advance the Gospel and fulfill our mission here at Glenpool's First Baptist Church. This week I share them here so you can read, reflect and remember  them.

We are more than a church we are a family! A family of faith located in the heart of the city with a  heart for the city! We are all about working together to reach Glenpool and the World for Christ!

We are here to make disciples that make disciples. Said another way, we work to produce fully devoted followers of Christ that produce fully devoted followers of Christ!

Guiding Scriptures- Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 22:36-40, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:42-47

We are...
Driven by a commitment to make disciples that make disciples --- Matthew 28:18-20
Motivated to do so by our love for God and our love for others --- Matthew 22:37-40
Focused with a passion to be witnesses for Him wherever we go --- Acts 1:8
                Our HOUSE Plan-                                                             Our Personal WORLD-
-          Hometown (Glenpool)                                          -    Workplace
-          Oklahoma                                                                   -    Organizations
-          United                                                                          -    Relatives
-          States                                                                           -    Live Next to (Neighbors)
-          Ends of the Earth                                                     -    Daily Contacts
Purposed to function well as a family- Acts 2:42-47
-          Evangelism- To introduce others to Christ- We are Messengers of His Love
-          Discipleship- To instruct others in the faith- We are Models of His Character
-          Ministry- To incorporate others into service- We are Ministers of His Grace
-          Fellowship- To include others in our family- We are Members of His Family
-          Worship- To inspire others to encounter God- We are Magnifiers of His Name

-          Prayer- To intercede for others and to determine where God is working and join Him there

Thursday, August 7, 2014

                Almost 3 years ago God brought me and my family here to serve alongside and lead this church family. What an awesome privilege! This week the ministry of Louie and his family begins with this church family as the new youth pastor! Exciting times are upon us here at Glenpool FBC!
                The truth is--- We are making an impact in our community for the Kingdom and yet there is so much more to do. We are providing opportunities for life change to take place in the lives of individuals and families and yet there is more that we can do. We are involved in mission work outside of our community and yet there is more that we can do.
                Some may remember our vision dinners we did right after Vickie and I came. This was a time for us to see how much each of us knew about the church and to dream together about what might be in store for our church's future. As we prepare for the days ahead I believe it is time we do something like this again.  That is why I want you to make an extra effort to be a part of our dreaming/ visioning time that will take place next Sunday, August 17th, at 6pm! We want to spend some time hearing from you, sharing with you how God is stirring our hearts and most importantly seeking the Lord and His plans together!
                Here are some verses that speak to the reason for us to spend time together dreaming about the ministry here at FBC Glenpool!
Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Psalm 20:4- "May He give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed."
Proverbs 20:18a- "Make plans by seeking advice."
Proverbs 19:21- "Many are the plan's in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

Proverbs 29:18a- "Where there is no vision the people perish."