Thursday, February 13, 2014

            Most of you have heard of Rick Warren or at least one of the books he has written, maybe, 'Purpose Driven Church' or 'Purpose Driven Life.'  A few years ago our church did a study focused on the purpose driven idea. I was not here then but I have been through a similar study. Its' design was to help us answer the question, 'What on earth am I here for?' Rick has since written other books and developed other studies to help believers on their journey through this life. The one I am most excited about is called, "Better Together- 40 days of Community." In fact, Sunday, March 2nd, we will be starting a 6 week series based off this study. This 40 day journey will help us answer the question, "What on earth are WE here for?" Each Sunday morning from March 2nd- April 6th, I will be preaching messages designed to help us see from God's Word how we are designed to be better together. Then on Wednesday Nights from March 5th- April 9th we will be doing small group Bible Studies that feed off the topic preached on the previous Sunday.    
            Our journey through 40 days of Community will help us more clearly see how God uses other people, specifically other believers, for our good and our growth. It will also help us see how God use us to bless others. First Corinthians 13 will be the lead passage in this journey. It is commonly called the 'love chapter' and is used frequently in marriage ceremonies, but I want us to see it in the context of the family of faith, the church. This will be a great time for all who attend and I pray you will make every effort to be involved and help us all see that we are Better Together!

            If you would like a copy of the study guide and/or the devotional book for the small group study let me know or call the church office by February 24th so we can have them here in time for the study. Cost will be $7.25 for each one.

God is Good All The Time!
Jason Yarbrough

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