Thursday, April 10, 2014

                The week leading up to Easter Sunday is commonly called, Passion Week. If you were to take the time to read the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John you would learn that about one-third of those books are an account about passion week, Jesus' last week here on earth. As we journey to Easter, I pray it won't be just another Easter, but rather that it would be a time in which we reflect on all that Jesus did for us resulting in a rekindling of our passion to tell the world the true hope that Easter brings! I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on the various activities that took place during His last days and then to make a commitment to live differently as a result of what He did for you!
                The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday. We might call this the Day of Acclaim. It marks Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The crowd shouts "Hosanna- meaning (God help us we pray), Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" How long has it been since you shouted praise to the Lord and for the Lord?
                Monday might be called the Day of Authority. Here Jesus shows His authority by the cursing of the fig tree and the cleansing of the Temple.
                Tuesday might be called the Day of Argument. Some say this was likely His longest day of ministry. He is questioned all day by the chief priests and teachers of the law. They asked Him things no one could answer except Jesus. Truth is they didn't like His answers. Sometimes we ask God questions and we don't like His answers either.
                Wednesday might be called the Day of Apartness. Jesus gets away for the day. He chose to have some seclusion- alone time, to spend some time with His disciples and to get some personal rest. Truth is we need to take some time to get alone with God and rest in Him. How long has it been?
                Thursday might be called the Day of Action. Jesus has Passover and Last Supper with His disciples, He washes their feet, predicts betrayal and Peter's denial. He walks through town to the Garden of Gethsemane and prays there in the garden. He is then arrested and begins to go through 2 trials, one a Jewish (religious- charge was blasphemy) and the other a Roman (Civil- charge was treason). One carried the penalty of stoning the other death by crucifixion.
                Friday might be called the Day of Agony. The trial continues and ultimately Jesus is sentenced to die by crucifixion. The same crowds that shouted 'Hosanna!' a few days earlier were now convinced to shout "Crucify Him!" Jesus is beaten, forced to carry His own cross and yet is faithful to His Father's will for His life as He dies on the cross for You and for Me!
                Saturday might be called the Day of Absence. Jesus' body has been placed in the grave and the people are observing the Sabbath.
                Then comes Sunday--- Easter--- might be, should be called the Day of Appearances! Jesus is Alive! He conquered death and the grave! What impact has this day in history had on you?

                Tune in Next Sunday as we will look at the difference a day makes as we celebrate Easter Together! 

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