Thursday, June 19, 2014

                It is hard to believe that we will soon find ourselves half way through 2014. Time flies when you are having fun! Life is very busy right now for many of us. Life around the church sure is...We've just finished Kid's Kamp, Black Gold Days is winding down, Vacation Bible School is here (like it starts tonight), Falls Creek youth camp is in 3 weeks, our mission team leaves in just over a month for Acapulco, our youth pastor search team is working diligently to follow God's direction to bring our next staff member on board, and the list could go on. In the midst of the busyness we must be careful to not lose sight of God and why we are doing what we are doing in the first place. If we lose focus the stuff we are busy with is just activity-- it fills our time, drains our energy and depletes our resources. When we realize what we are busy doing is God's business it is ministry-- we are giving our time, using our energy and investing our resources in Kingdom Work! So in the busyness--- understand why we are doing what we are doing--- we have a mission to fulfill!

                Let me encourage you to add one more thing to your already busy schedule.... exercise your right and responsibility and go to the polls on Tuesday. There are many key decisions before us when it comes to elected officials. My desire is not to tell you who to vote for but to encourage you to vote. Take some time before Tuesday and educate yourself on the candidates and where they stand on the issues and consider their convictions and biblical worldview.  Know what all is on the ballot and be prepared to exercise your right and responsibility! Don't be too busy to vote! God is still God, this is still One Nation Under God and this is Kingdom Work! Make it a point to get to the polls this Tuesday!

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